October signified the end of the bodybuilding season for this year in Australia, and the last comp of the season was here in our home city Cairns .
I just wanted to write a article about the guys who train with me and commend them on all their hard work this year. Pictured kneeling are Debbie and Pete Henderson, Pete owns our gym and his sister Debbie works in there too. They have been there everyday, seeing the effort everyone has put in and been extremely supportive , even staying open late some nights so we could get the extra training in the week leading up to comp. Hans, the big guy competed for the first time ever and took out first place in the over 35’s fitness category. I was really happy for him as i have tried to get him to compete for a while because i knew it would push his training to a new level which it did, and he would get to show off all his hard work, and for 46, he looked great up there. I got second in the same category but was happy with that. Hans and myself have trained together all season and we said before the show as long as we got 1st and 2nd between us, we didnt care how it went.
Next, Zuzana, my girlfriend. Well Zu finished of a great first season with 3 trophies herself. She won womens Fitness u30 retaining her crown from earlier in the season, overall womens fitness and we won fitness couples also, so 5 trophies for our mantlepiece from that night!. And last but by no mean least Dave, who after 14 yrs of not competing got back on stage and won the masters bodybuilding and overall mens bodybuilding. So well done to all of you. I decided to start competing in the hope that i could maybe inspire people to make a change to their lives through exercise, and if one person gets off the couch and into training and puts another 5 years on their life, then to me that is a far better reward than any trophy or title.