Executing the perfect pull up

The pull-up. An exercise that seems oh-so-simple to execute—just hang from a bar and pull, right? Exactly! Unfortunately the first attempt (and second, and third) is likely to result in more grimacing and groaning than upward movement. So just how much patience and practice does one pull-up require? First-time exercisers and regular gym goers  alike struggle to perfect this simple …

Setting Fitness Goals

In life, we’re told to dream big and reach for the stars. Having big aspirations is admirable and inspiring, but when it comes to fitness, especially if you are just embarking on your fitness journey you should take a more calculated approach when setting goals. By setting yourself specific short term goals and a long term goal you are setting …

Keys Training Tips To Beating The Beep Test

    BEST EXERCISES  – weighted single leg front lunges weighted single leg side lunges lateral bounds ON THE TREADMILL  –  The simplest type of treadmill workout for beep test training would be to set the treadmill to 1% incline (this best mimics the energy demands of running outdoors on the flat) and 8km/hr.  Then each minute on the minute …