Healthy Recipes Part 3: Chocolate Pudding

Chocolate Protein Pudding


Fighting the temptation to eat chocolate is a  major hurdle  i find with most new clients who are looking to overhaul their diet. Most of this temptation comes in the evening time at home when they are sat relaxing after a hard day at work or in the gym. So, for that reason , i have uploaded this recipe on for a chocolate pudding that you can look forward having later on in the evening and is perfect timing  as the slow release protein and fats it contains will be feeding your muscles while you sleep.


1 or 2 scoop Chocolate Casein

2 egg whites

1/2 cup water

1 teaspoon peanut butter



Put all ingredients in a microwave bowl and mix. Place in microwave and keep checking every 30 seconds and stir til reaches desired consistency.


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